Sunday, November 17, 2013

Chicken, ready to eat plus left-over chicken salad.

Is this too obvious to mention? You can get a whole chicken at Giant, and other grocery stores I'm sure. It will be good for dinner for 2 or 3 days, then you can remove the remaining chicken, chop it up, add chopped celery (which you can buy at Giant already chopped up), a little mayonnaise (there's too much in the picture above I think), and some defrosted frozen chopped onions (optional of course). Add salt and pepper, and maybe some sliced almonds, and you've got chicken salad for sandwiches for several days. You could freeze some of the meat also in case you don't want chicken for that many days in a row.
(Thanks to Anne Vajda for the prepared chicken idea.)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is too obvious!
    And I wouldn't have known how to make chicken salad, of course. Good one!
